Monday 12 February 2007

Does every post have to have a title..??

Well it's Monday... which means it's my weekly shopping night for food.

i've learnt a valuable lesson today, never let Wifey in charge of maintaining the blog judged by my wishlist...which was said in jest but has now appeared for real. Oh well.

Anyhow, not much to tell for today. Am I suppose to post every day or just when I feel like it?

Oh my surname appears in Mai Otome, that is soo cool :D

There isn't much to talk about as I was working today...yay (!) and my work colleague is job hunting while at work!

Still while I was at work, I calculated my average MPG and was surprised to find out my average MPG is 33!

Well that bored the crap out of you lot, now go read something pr0n.



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