Wednesday 13 August 2008

From Here to Eternity (of troubleshooting)

I got the news back from vendor. The CPU, RAM and Motherboard all passed memory test together, running overnight for over 103 passes. 103!!! So that leaves me with a "no fault found" testing fee and shpping fee to get the parts back; which I've done. The only component left in the system happens to be the heaviest, the PSU or Power Supply Unit. It would cost me far too much to ship that to vendor on the slim chance it is causing the memory issues I have with the build, especially if that is found as "no fault found" as then the total expenditure would total the cost of a replacement PSU!!!
The parts are planned for return to me by Thursday 14th so it'll be a busy night for me building a ghetto PC. Cardboard box, minimalistic peripherals installed (CPU, RAM, GFX, Mobo and an optical drive) and start to locate where I, at home, am going wrong.

Oh good news! The laptop I ordered is STILL in Pre-Production stage. Yay. Not.

So I have absolutely NOTHING to show for at home which is REALLY depressing.

Work has been grinding me down lately too. We got a boss who seems determined to bring the place to a grinding halt or bring the company to failure. Our QAEs are interested in finding as many problems (no matter how small) as possible and not addressing the larger issues. At least that is how I see things. So now disillusioned and un-motivated, I spend my days surfing the net in between pushing buttons into our IT system which at the end of the day won't help us one bit as there are people in commanding position who always circumnavigate their way around it which leaves the department I work in exposed and...amazingly's OUR fault.

On a much brighter note, with so much spare time I bought an external HDD enclosure for my internal HDDs to sit in so I can use them as external HDDs. This means I could rescue the fictional stories I started and continue while I am bored at work. I'll start a new blog either one for each story or just one as the author and add hyperlinks to where the fictional writings can be downloaded and read.

Also my mate Paul is visiting the UK for two weeks! \(^^)/ Banzai! \(^^)/ It's a shame his wife isn't arriving too (she's going to Singapore). His two week visit isn't a holiday though, it's a transition period for him to sort his stuff in the UK before contracting elsewhere in the world so no idea how much spare time he'll have for farting around.

For those of you who been patient enough to stick around the months of zero entries and reading, Arigatou Gozaimasu.



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