Thursday 30 July 2009

Shipped out!!!

Oh joy of joys. I am being told I have to go to France to observe an engine run. In the normal world, this would be fun...being paid money to sit on my butt and watch other people do work. This however is a world whereby money is so scarce there is no hand towels, no printer toner and a ration on paper...which begs the question, why spend money shipping me and one other out to France to watch other people work?

Anyhow, I made my protest though I came across as an obnoxious bar-steward rather than being all pro-company.

So...weekend I am in France, enjoying 32 Deg C sunny weather watching other people do work and all being paid for. Brilliant. :)

Note: I do still want some printer toner and paper so I can actually get on with my day to day job. :rolleyes:

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Day 2 of Operation Clean Up the Crap...

...or whatever I called it in my last blog entry.

Anyhow it's day 2. It's been raining. It still is raining. Countdown to house inspection is in a couple of days.

As you can see not a massive amount of progress other than the huge weeds been removed. I have however cleaned the kitchen so other than the sink, it's pretty damn clean. Just the hallway to do point doing it now, it'll get mucky from us walking about.

Right, time to grab some foodz!

P.S. Terry found out I suggested to hide his favourite shoes. I am....doomed.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Operation "Clean up the crap" - Day 1...

First we surveyed our target; the garden!

HOLY CRAP that is some jungle! So we bring out the tool (or should that be me) and hack'n'slash our way through! After 3 hours, this is as far as I got...note the green bin is full (it started life empty). Eep!

With the light fading fast, I abandoned the current attack vector and headed on in for a nice meal.

When will this operation end? Who knows...

Monday 27 July 2009

Caught on Camera!

So what do you do when you have 2 days off plus the weekend? Why you head on over to Terry's house with Yuki and a camera!

"Oh no! Where's my head?"

Mmm...Yuki goodness. ~~Kawaii~~

Tea Party with Pinky Street!

More Yuki pr0n


"My book! Boo-hoo!"

...who is this delighting in photographing a distressed Yuki!!!!

"Put 'em up Terry!"


...and now for something completely different. GGGGGUUUUUUNNNNNDDDDDDDAAAAAMMM!!!!!

So yeah, I still need to paint the Gundams but that is another job for another weekend!

Until the next blog entry, ja ne miina-san!!!



Saturday 4 July 2009

To clear the tumbleweeds...

So it's been a long time since I blogged. Well I been too freaking lazy to bother. At first I got addicted to Left 4 Dead. Playing Versus was so much fun and when the other campaign maps were unlocked to be playable in Versus...well 300+ gaming hours logged is the result. Since then I got a touch bored so I fired up Oblivion. I've since logged about 25 saved hours on that, probably 40 hours actual play time.

Right now I am down in Bournemouth so blogging through my sister's internet connection. I should get off my lazy ass and actually post some in-game pictures from Left 4 Dead and Oblivion, just to spice up the bland wall of text once I get back home.

So...anything to blog about work...too much, too trivial and all the same crap.

Well hopefully this blog post will clear off the tumbleweeds and get things rolling again.

Ta ta for now for any readers who are left!