Monday 16 November 2009

Location, Location, Location?

Coming back from a 2 week holiday in Japan I've had quite alot to reflect on; more specifically on what makes a good vacation.

I've had the desire to goto Japan and luckily enough managed to achieve this; however I know it would not have been the same experience if I went solo. What I have learnt as a person is that no matter how great or fantastic any location is everyone will have a differing opinion and at times when people want to hang around in a group, it just doesn't work. On one hand you'll have someone who may want to rush through, tick boxes to say "been there, done that" while on the other hand you'll have someone genuinely interested in a specific topic that they have just discovered.

What this boils down to is, sometimes people just need time alone, even if it is on holiday in some fantastic location. This might not hold true for all but for me, I enjoyed just having a quiet hour or two wandering about Akihabara or being able to spend an evening alone at the Inn to just reflect on where I am and what I have seen and what I may get to see. This doesn't mean I'm not sociable; I had a fantastic time out in Shibuya with Otaku, Lee and Koji-san and having a nice farewell meal at Marios. Hell I'd do it all again tomorrow if I could.

The Japan trip was fantastic in itself and it also showed another side to myself I had yet to discover; I can be a shopping whore, a stupid idiotic socialite and a loner..and all at the same time. HAH!

It's best if I sign off saying that even though there were "tricky" moments in the holiday, I wouldn't change a thing about it good or bad. :)


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