Friday 30 March 2007

Lazily addicted

Hello my fellow reader (it can't be readers as I only know of wifey who views this!).

Nt much has really happened in between the last time I posted and now.

BUT much has been going on at work recently.

We've been living on abit of a shoestring since one of our biggest customers had a big tits up moment, therefore we had a HUGE tits up moment and I get the feeling we're just living day to day at the moment. Not encouraging.

What isn't also encouraging is one work colleague who a) turns up 10 minutes late b) turns his pc on and has a natter for the next 30 minutes to someone and then c) decides to do about 10 minutes worth of work. That got on my nerves!

Even worse today was when I was shown someone had access to view the payroll..of EVERYONE in the company when they shouldn't have access!!! I was like WTF?!?!? Pondering what to do, I am SOOO glad someone else in the office noticed and gave a nudge to HR about it.


So yeah, I'm on a real bummer HOWEVER I just read an email about my oil analysis for the car and everything looks good :) w00t!

So from a completely screwed up Sleepy, I bid thee farewell for now.


Thursday 1 March 2007

I am one p*ssed off muthaf*cker!!!

Someone at work has REALLY riled me today and am totally cheesed off with them.

It's a trivial matter of making drinks however it just really p*sses me off now. If I'm gonna make a drink I will offer other people HOWEVER I do NOT goto people and ask them to make ME a drink. If they offer to make me a drink, i'll either accept if I feel like a drink or decline. So what gives them the right to bug me about making a drink??!!

To top things off, they think it's harmless banter making fun of me and my car after the whole drinks debacle...really tried not to show how annoyed I was. Right now I think this person is an ar*ehole stuck so far up their ar*e that they see daylight again. C*cksucker.

