Thursday 1 March 2007

I am one p*ssed off muthaf*cker!!!

Someone at work has REALLY riled me today and am totally cheesed off with them.

It's a trivial matter of making drinks however it just really p*sses me off now. If I'm gonna make a drink I will offer other people HOWEVER I do NOT goto people and ask them to make ME a drink. If they offer to make me a drink, i'll either accept if I feel like a drink or decline. So what gives them the right to bug me about making a drink??!!

To top things off, they think it's harmless banter making fun of me and my car after the whole drinks debacle...really tried not to show how annoyed I was. Right now I think this person is an ar*ehole stuck so far up their ar*e that they see daylight again. C*cksucker.




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