Tuesday 23 September 2008


Hehe...alright (said in Quagmire's voice). Managed to bag another lady in The Witcher; this time a woman called "Gossip" and she is part of the poor people character list. Must have logged about 4 hours tonight on this game - most of that was spent running around looking for certain NPCs to progress the story. Me being too tight fisted wouldn't bribe the guards to let me explore a different section of the town so I was banking that these critical NPCs that I had to talk to would walk through the area I am quarantined in. Suffice to say, after two hours of me doing nothing much other than exploring the small part of town I have access to, I gave up and bribed the guards. Well it didn't go that smoothly; the guards asked for 60 orens (gold pieces), I offered 30 and they told me to "go away". subsequently they wouldn't talk to me for a short period of time so I had to go off, do other things come back and up the ante. I kept doing this until I paid them 60 orens. Annoying but I don't want to spend more than I have to...that and the money used was blood money, money from selling the identification badges of a certain group of people I am hunting (or rather slaying with great ease whenever I find them).

Oh I also eventually decided to level up and had gone up 4 levels without realising it so had quite a few talent points to dish out. (^_^) Ahh another wonderful part of the game, is the alchemy involved. You get some ingredients, the all important base (being good quality slightly magical alcohol liquid) mix it together and drink the random item you've made and see what happens!! (-_^) The alternative is to find potion cook book type scrolls that'll tell you what you need and in what quantities.

In between of playing Witcher, I continued with my small short exercise regime. I really surprised myself today; 328 skips in 2 minutes 53, that's over 113 skips a minute. I know now that to keep the progress going I have to up the speed as well as quantity. Debating on what to do with the press ups and sit ups. Still maintaining at 25 of each but I think it might be better to do those first, skip and then do another set of press ups and sit ups and if I have enough energy, finish off with some more skipping. At least it'll extend the duration of the exercise window; still wanting to buy that chin up bar thing and some cheap weights. I spent the money on The Witcher; wise investment. \\(^_^)//

Think I'll load up some anime and crash out for the night. See you people later!

P.S. Finished watching an anime called Special A; will need to write up about it at some point.

P.P.S. Keep an eye out, I'll be making another blog purely for whatever fiction crap I write (when I am inspired to do so). Don't hold your breath though. (^_^;)

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