Tuesday 22 January 2008


You've all been waiting for this moment...

The moment of seeing Ichigo and co in school outfits with bonus of Grimmjow, the Arrancar!

Here they are, all lined up waiting to be unpacked and assembled!

Ichigo and Rukia in both their school outfits and in Shinigami outfits, ready to take down some Hollows :D Bonus of (the rather ghEy) Kon.

Next up we have Captain Hitsugaya (and the cute Ririn), the HUUUUUUUGE boobied Vice (how very apt) Captain Mastumoto *drool* and Abarai Renji all in school outfits with Grimmjow Jaegerjaques (uber evil Espada no. 6) in tow. All adorning my 'desktop'.

This has all been courtesy of the LOVELY Agnes (we lubs j00 lots and lots) and her hubby (and mah bestest best friend) Paul.

Thank you and er...goodnight! Oyasumi na sai!

Bad Credit, Bad News Day

Do people remember the "Sick Inducing Day" Post?

Well today is the day that the 80 odd people find out what is happening. So far 40 people have been made redundant with only a few (about 5 people) to go have their final interview to see if they stay or go. So far it is less than the original planned 53...

Was very interesting to see who came to say goodbye...hardly anyone which speaks volumes about the types of character they truely are.

On another note the credit card thing...well called up to confirm if the person who called last night really was from the credit card company...what is it with companies sticking call centres in the middle of another country whereby English is like a 2nd or 3rd language??!! THe toughest part was trying to get them to confirm IF the person who called was from the credit card company. Sheesh...the operator was asking if I wanted the card UNBLOCKED!!! I was like, "NO YOU IDIOT!!!!! It was blocked BECAUSE security HAS BEEN BREACHED!!!!". Nearly screamed that at the operator. Anyhow, turns out the card really is blocked and something SHOULD be happening in the background. Just means I am penniless for the rest of the month.

Monday 21 January 2008

What a great start to the year...

So here I am sitting here waiting for replacement tyres to arrive, playing NWN2 happily away and then "BOOM!" I get a phone call from the credit card company.

My card has been cloned.

Whoever they were, they were trying to max out the card, buying £1000+ worth of jewellry and other assorted goods.

Leave me the hell alone. I'm pi$$ poor as it is WITHOUT the need of the credit card being cloned.

So really glad the credit card company were on the ball and called me up else I would have been in deep sh!t when the next statement arrives.

Still leaves me feeling very vulnerable when I thought I was playing it pretty safe. Guess if people WANT to get the information about you, they can. Who knows HOW many scanners there are running out there at the moment. Why can't I just get paid in cash, I can shove it under my bed and spend it when I need it. Forget all this banking crap with credit cards.

Ahh but without credit history you can't get stuff like mortgages and loans...sometimes I hate money.

So...already this year...got accused of something I didn't do (seriously long story that is just truly pathetic) and now my card(s) get cloned.

Talk about being left feeling exposed.

On a happier note, Paul and Aggy sent me a set of Bleach toys to go with the other Bleach toy they got me the previous year. Paul and Aggy are just brilliant friends :)
Love them to bits. They toys that is!!!! (and also Paul and Aggy for being really thoughtful)

I'll slap some pictures up whenever I recover from being beaten up with a fraudelent credit card. :(

Should go make dinner but just not hungry right now...

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Stuck in the middle...of work??!

So here I am, it's nearly 7pm, 11 hours at work. I can't go home as I didn't drive in. I'm too stingy to pay for a taxi home and there is no public transport where I am.


So useless rant begins...

I can't believe how utterly crap my driving style is. I seem to have eaten through yet ANOTHER set of rear tyres!!! I would take a picture only I'm too bone idle lazy to do it.

I should learn to STOP DRIVING ON THE THROTTLE!!! Ack! No matter how much I tell myself, I always end up driving through corners on the throttle instead of letting the car *coast* along.

So with car having no tyre tread on the rears, I have ordered today new tyres. £140 for 2...plus fitting!

Hmm...I'm blogging here at work and er...I think my chauffeur has already gone home. Without me. How am I suppose to get home now? Hmm time to go bug the Finance guy I share a house with. That'll be fun...going home at like 10pm!

But I am NOT paying for a taxi...no way. Definitely not. I'm way too stingy for that.

But I'm missing out on all these hours playing NWN2:MotB.

What to do...??!!

Oh, if readers remember, I have a plant called Jezza. Jezza is growing to be a fine rock plant. He be SOOO cool. I need to make another section to the story...

Hmm spent time making story or play game...argh! Choices, choices...or I could go watch anime...just got Clannad ep 9 and 10 in semi hi-def...oh and there is Gundam 00 which is in 720p resolution...mmm...Gundam goodness!!!

Blah, gonna go look for a way to get home for free now...lets see if I get any luck...

*crud I need to poop*