Tuesday 16 September 2008

Go! Go! Go!

Update on today's skipping progress, 247 in 2 minutes 35; yet another improvement. :-)

Weekend just gone, my mother and sister went to collect my mum's new car. I don't think I have blogged about why so here it goes:
My mother was on her way from my sister's house to collect the children from nursery. Unfortunately on her way out of my sister's road the steering on her Civic locked in the right position when exiting a junction. She wasn't going fast, after all you could see where the accident happened so I'd guess she was doing maximum of 15mph. She was on the wrong side of the road when another vehicle approaching from the other direction hit her head on. The Civic is a write-off. I can only assume the other driver was doing substantially more than the 30mph speed limit on this road to inflict that kind of damage.
So two weekends ago, I went down to my sister's to help find a replacement car for my mum using the money she was given by her insurance company. We searched quite a few cars and it ended up being a Toyota Yaris we purchased. However my mother could not go pick the car up till the weekend just gone.
On the sunday evening after collecting her "new" car and having made her way back to her flat, my mother called me and amazingly enough she was telling me how my sister was complaining about the car we all decided was the right car for mum. ALL the issues she had were relating to using mum as a VERY cheap child minder and taxi service and the car have a small boot, not easy for the kids to get in and out of...I mean, hello???!! My sister was there to help select a car too...if she had those issues, she should have highlighted them on that day!


Another annoying thing happened at work recently. Our IP address had been blacklisted as spam so sending emails to our vendors, customers and technical support groups was hampered greatly. For a short time it was amusing but in the long term was a pain in the butt! Our IT guy is trying to work out if this is a malicious attack or someone being FAR too careless and getting infected with a worm. We all had to run an anti-malware program and surprise surprise, one of the top ranking people at work (who works off site) had a BUTT load of malware on his laptop! None of them are the particular worm that our IT guy is looking for but it goes to show that higher ups are not very savvy when it comes to security!

Random stuff:

Ninja Cat!!!

This is totally wrong and I would guess is in the states...click at your OWN risk!!!!

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Blogger Pat R said...

that cat is too cute... someone must have trained it.

31 December 2008 at 04:37  

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