Wednesday 28 February 2007

DOA Bounce-a-thon Bonnets!

Mmm I have my eye on a new bonnet :D Lets just hope the price isn't scarey!!

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Sexy isn't it?

Well I think so!

But moving on with the topic of sexy, just watched DOA movie and that is serious eye candy for any male or non-staight female!!! Story is pants, fighting scenes pants but those women make up for it! Jiggly-wiggly bouncing around, fantastic! I must thank Grayboy for buying DOA DVD! lol!

Forgot, I've seen Hot Fuzz twice now. Very funny film. Actually, first time I heard the title I thought it was going to be some hot lesbo porn flick! lol! Yarp! Highly recommend people going to see Hot Fuzz, it's a laugh and a half. Simon Pegg movie so if you've seen Shaun of the Dead you'll know the type of comedy it's going to be.

Hot Fuzz go see it, even if it isn't a hot lesbo porno flick!

There was other stuff I want to spout out but brain is failing me this cold, dark, dank unclear, strike all before me with frost fingered fear..sorry wandered off into a quote from Visionaries.

Anyhow, before I start quoting Dungeons & Dragons I bid thee fellow reader(s) goodnight!

Brain Fart,



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