Wednesday 17 September 2008

The once upon a time Unclean One

What a fun evening I am having. Cleaning the house for tomorrows inspection. Hurray! I've partly done the house a couple of weeks back and here we are tonight cleaning those same areas again. Why you may ask, is it not a simple task of wipe over, still clean? Why still the need for deep clean? Well the answer dear reader(s) is that the housemate isn't very hot on cleaning up after himself straight away. In the kitchen I try to keep commonly used areas clean, wash the dishes when I can and clean the chopping board after use. Housemate on the other hand just leaves a mess. Also on the night of me cleaning the part of the kitchen (ie the floor which is always a bad spot) the housemate comes trampling in, shoes fresh from running and just ruins my evenings hard work.

I got home from work tonight, hoovered the general areas we always walk over and housemate comes back and he hoovers the same area again. OK, so I didn't do it as well as could be, but I had two bathrooms and the garden to do as well. Of course, in all defiant mode the housemate is hoovering the floor then points out all the areas I should do to make the house cleaner. It's like the work I been putting in means nothing like I been sat on my arse on this time doing nothing about it. The house won't even be spotless; I live out of my room and so does the housemate. The housemate has no fear in wearing shoes all over the house and in that respect I do too because I am not going to walk around in socks or bare feet where outside stuff has been dragged in.

I've rarely seen the housemate do any cleaning outside of failing an inspection and it almost feels like the housemate blames me for it all. So what if I don't stay at work till 10pm monday to friday or go home to another house at the weekend, it's shared responsibilities not just keep your room clean. I'm determined not to keep the house clean on a weekly basis as I will see that as the housemate getting me to clean the housemate's own arse. I'll keep my area clean and part of the communal area.

To top it all off, the housemate bemoans to me about the oven. In all honesty I couldn't be arsed to do it yet I just have to clean it tonight because it's been mentioned. Then I got to wake up early tomorrow morning to clear out all the de-weeded vegetation to the green bin. I was hoping to get the housemate to do it yet zip, zero nadda. The garden was literally a jungle and this is a garden that doesn't have any green stuff in it, so all the green stuff growning was weeds. It took me a damn long time to de-weed the garden as best I could. The housemate's response to de-weeding the garden was to spray weed killer. Which did sod all to the remaining plantation.

If we fail again, I honestly don't give a crap. I bust my balls, got my balls busted and busted my balls again tonight.

Time to find another job and another place to live.

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