Monday 22 September 2008

Geralt - The Ladies Preferred Choice

I picked up a new game over the weekend, The Witcher: Enhanced Edition. If you have not heard about this game, it is another RPG only a more gritty and relatively (to Oblivion) linear affair. So far the story is good but what is really good about it is the way the whole game seems very cinematic and really pulls you into the story of Geralt, the Witcher. Also the fact that if it's female you can almost guarantee he will try and bone her. In the game you get a character index of people you have met (bar non-interactive NPCs) and almost all the women I have met I have managed to bed. Muwhahahaha! Even managed to bed a half-elf woman who I happened to save by accident! I was rather bored and no fighting occurs during daytime unless you are provocated so went to see some "haunted house" to raid it of treasure only to be met with (what a surprise) a trap. Needless to say I was excited by the prospect of butchering some weak humans and so slayed them all with ease. Then i find out they had a half-elf female as hostage/rape victim of whom I bed. (It's my priviledge, I rescued her!)

Hours have been consumed in this game just wandering the town of Vizima looking for quests and finding monsters to slay.

Brilliant game.

Exercise progress has halted since the day of the clean up till today. So started skipping again and it was hurting after 158 and managed 258 in 2 minutes 40. Not bad at all. Just need to keep at it rather than shy away from it. Oddly enough, I wasn't short of breath more the muscles were giving up before the lungs!

Time for dinner and then more butchering, shagging and adventuring for more ladies to bed!

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