Monday 18 June 2007


Well I been in a strange mood lately. Been writing just well...poetry...if you can call it that!!! LoL! Just helps me get things out in the open. :)

Paranoia was something written the same day as I blogged, same as this one now. Paranoia was something I needed to get out as it was playing on my mind during a recent road trip.

I'm not any good at writing stuff so you'll need to put up with it until my little phase is over.

Latest creation...

I'm lost again
Waiting on edge

Anything is better than this eerie silence

I need to hear the echo
That I reached out far enough
Enough to reach your senses.

I'm lost again
Creeping closer to my limit

Anything is better than this feeling

Of destitute loneliness
Never reaching beyond
beyond your dark shadow

I'm lost again
Tearing myself apart

Anything is better than this self consuming pain

Being crushed beneath
The flow of tears
Shed from my sore eyes

I'm lost again
Always waiting

Anything is better than this moment in time that lasts an eternity

Waiting for the day
the day that I can finally hear
Hear your voice

I'm lost again
Waiting on edge

For an answer


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