Wednesday 11 April 2007

Knowing Me, Knowing Death

I feel like I am carrying around an aura of misfortune. it all started off with the guy doing the repair on my car (small little drifting incident leading onto onto a dented rear quarter panel) and he had to cancel on me due to his grandmother passing away. Just recently the guy who I arranged to have my car polished/waxed had to cancel on me due to his best mate passing away in hospital. Now, a couple of days back, a guy who works in the sister company to where I work (and also lives two doors down) passed away.

Went to a local MX5 meet and bumped into someone I never wanted to see again. They are a little unhinged/insecure and wildly emotional...tis crazy and never wanted to see them again. Nutcase I'd call them. The meet at the pub was p*ss poor for me, utterly boring mindless chat. Scenary was excellent though, barmaid was gorgeous but my stupid brain went blank everytime I had an opportunity to strike up a conversation. *sigh* I'm such a loser! lol!

Anyhow, this meet got better right at the end of the night when 99% of the people f*cked off home. Me and two other blokes just talked about cars for the rest of the night...ahh petrol head talk is brilliant. To quote The New Guy, "Does that sound gay?". lol.

So in summary if you know me, then stop knowing me, I seem to have a Shinigami following Death Note becoming reality!!??!???!!!

Sleepster the Shinigami


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