Friday 20 April 2007

Two butt holes better than one?!

Well today was a fun day!

Morning passed by uneventfully, the usual lurking on forums while at work technique to kill the pain of Tooling Index update/revision and setting up a KPI (Key performance Indicator) for our relatively new software system. So lunch comes, lunch goes...and then the afternoon hits with a bang.

The QA manager who thinks he is "Mr. Big Boots" comes upto me, a lowly peon in the scheme of things, and starts asking me questions...he is doing an audit of closed work packs. Auditing closed work packs is a normal routine thing to happen but it's usually discussed with my manager not a lowly scum bag like me!

***NOTE: A workpack is a package of documents that informs the grease monkies what to do and sign for the job they have done. ***

Anyhow, he drags me off to the archive room to "point out" some mistakes. I'm like, "WTF?! That work was over two years ago, and we've done the corrective measures to stop stuff like that happening again.". Anyhow, didn't actually say that, just nodded away. He says he isn't having a go but it sure is, I can see someone telling me off in a politically safe manner, and that was it. One of the things he points out is that not all the header details are filled in. I tell him that it is almost impossible to get all the information required for the header from the customer in time for when we need to produce the workpack for the shop so the grease monkies can start the job and we can all get paid. Suffice to say, that didn't go down too well and he still wrote that up as a failure.

To top it all off, he asks me if I'm authorised to close work packs!!! IT'S PART OF MY JOB DESCRIPTION YOU MORON!!!! It's like asking the buyer from the materials department if they have been trained and authorised to buy things or to put it even simpler, a waiter if he/she is allowed to pick up plates!!! This guy just goes into panic mode EVERYTIME there is an audit and it's always on the day before!!

***NOTE: We have an external audit starting monday next week.***

Suffice to say, at the end of the day he is only a stand-in as our own quality team decided to up sticks for an easier life elsewhere. This guy actually works for our sister company...who are a right royal pain in the a$$.

The idea and concept of the site is great but it's run by some morons.

It's friday for f*cks sake, don't come ripping me a new butt hole in the afternoon.

Anyhow at the end of the audit, he tells me to "sign here" which I duly did as I couldn't give a crap.

Oh and to really top it off, there are some utterly awkward grease monkies on the shop floor. They are moving an engine into a transportation stand. These engines weigh around 5 tonnes. All of a sudden, one of them goes, "ahh it's clocking off time, I'm gonna go home even though the engine is only held in place by three pins to the stand." Where is your sense of common sense and duty?? OK so you won't get paid overtime for it but do YOU want to be responsible if someone believes the engine is pinned properly into the stand, moves it and suddenly "BANG!" it falls? Hell no, I wouldn't want that on my shoulder. Potentially destroying $1.5million worth of assets in one go. What an utter awkward moron.

I also found out today that some of the grease monkies came in over one weekend and did quite a few hours work expecting to be paid overtime for it all. They were told, "thanks for doing the work but we aren't paying you." They are up in arms now and looking for another job wanting to leave!!lol! Utter idiots. If no-one has given you authorisation to work the weekend on overtime then why come into work and try and force the company to pay??! That so made me laugh!

Ahh all of this in one action packed day!

Oh I also observed my colleague in the same department spend at least 50% of their time doing none work things. So I made him produce one document...which he still cocked up cut a long story short, we guided him to the answer. lol.
I know I'm not much better but at least I'm producing end results...



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