Tuesday 24 April 2007

Observational tictacs

Today I decided to watch what my fellow colleagues get up to during the day. Infact i was really watching just one particular person.

We've (our department) has been warned for the abuse of the internet while at work (yes I was also part of the guilty party) and susequently I've cleaned up my act.

However during my little observational day today, the amount of times I saw one particular person on the internet, using it for personal and not work was not very surprising. Their attitude has not changed.

It really got on my tits that this one bad apple could cause us to loose or have VERY restricted net access. At the moment I enjoy having almost complete freedom of the net during break and lunch.

It's almost as if they are addicted to the net and can't do without it.

It's so sad really, can they not concentrate for more than 5 minutes without having to read the latest bit of gossip on the net??!

I'm an internet addict but I know how thin this line we are treading right now.

Do they not REALISE that their pc IS being watched?!?! It's an open plan office so it doesn't take a genious to go, "oh that's a web browser open, oh...it seems to be a non-work related website" and the managers are not stupid (to things like this).

To top it off, they fecked off early today and only when I reminded them they needed to fill out a form, did they do so. They were gonna leave early and abuse our manager's trust??! Our manager is a really nice guy and you could very easily take advantage of him, but what's they point in that? You should treat people how you would like to be treated.

...oh and to top it off, there is an audit currently running and our manager asked this particular person (same person as above) to move the archive files from one room to the next. Today I was asked to find a particular folder...which i found out was in the old archive room...which is suppose to be "non-accessable" as it's not "safe". Talk about only doing HALF A JOB!!!

I'm contemplating talking to HR or our manager over this, but I don't want to be seen as doing my manager's job.

Oh and the audit...well it's not going too well...sod's f*cking law is hey find ONE HOLE in the sodding system. It's a shambles. AARRGGGHHHH!!!!!

One cheesed off Sleepy.


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