Tuesday 19 June 2007

Work Place Bullying

Recent events have led up to what could be one big "ka-boom" where I work.

There has been a case of bullying within our work place, to the extent that the woman involved can't even do her job properly. The attacks are indirect and personal. Infact, there have been instances of direct attacks too.

What drives people to do this? It's destroying one person's soul and making life so uncomfortable, where do people get the kicks from this?

You're all probably wondering how this has all started.


The two instigators were building their own little empire within the company. This lady just commented about how her job scope does NOT cover what is being palmed off to her. Regardless, they continued to palm their work off onto her. Another occasion, she was ensuring the job she started (from her previous role) was completed properly and found that even though all the new bits are in place, no security was taken. She questioned why they were not locked, not in a patronising or derogatory way. You maybe thinking she's being nosey and being a trouble maker however one of these two is supposedly a manager. Now as a manager surely you should ensure stuff is locked away when required, there is sufficient staff to cover the jobs required, the jobs are prioritised and that there is plenty of work for everyone to get on with? Nope this manager loves just being best pals with everyone, so little in the way of work gets done. People have temporarily worked in this section and all left with the same comment of how little work is done. That and how any written/verbal disciplanary action taken is just laughed off and joked over.

The same two have also bullied another employee however this person has rode through the storm and has come out a stronger person for it.

No-one should be subjected to such behaviour.

Currently it is in the hands of senior management and is being taken VERY seriously however it maybe too little too late. I know if I was in her shoes, I'd already have another job prospect lined up.

Utter crud.


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