Wednesday 28 February 2007

DOA Bounce-a-thon Bonnets!

Mmm I have my eye on a new bonnet :D Lets just hope the price isn't scarey!!

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Sexy isn't it?

Well I think so!

But moving on with the topic of sexy, just watched DOA movie and that is serious eye candy for any male or non-staight female!!! Story is pants, fighting scenes pants but those women make up for it! Jiggly-wiggly bouncing around, fantastic! I must thank Grayboy for buying DOA DVD! lol!

Forgot, I've seen Hot Fuzz twice now. Very funny film. Actually, first time I heard the title I thought it was going to be some hot lesbo porn flick! lol! Yarp! Highly recommend people going to see Hot Fuzz, it's a laugh and a half. Simon Pegg movie so if you've seen Shaun of the Dead you'll know the type of comedy it's going to be.

Hot Fuzz go see it, even if it isn't a hot lesbo porno flick!

There was other stuff I want to spout out but brain is failing me this cold, dark, dank unclear, strike all before me with frost fingered fear..sorry wandered off into a quote from Visionaries.

Anyhow, before I start quoting Dungeons & Dragons I bid thee fellow reader(s) goodnight!

Brain Fart,


Tuesday 27 February 2007

Swings and roundabouts

First some bad news...

The whole point of me prepping the car has fallen foul of..well..bad luck really :( It's not going ahead and I'm totally gutted.

now for some good news...

Filled up the car yesterday for... 74.9p per litre for 98 RON fuel!! Bargain or what??!?! usual price is 94.9p per litre! Hell yeah that is a good deal in the UK...just don't tell the till keeper that they have made a mistake :P

Ahh my big power membership pack came through on friday (who knows if I already wrote this out) so looking forward to sticking the vinyls on! yeah!!!

Oh and been window shopping for a new bonnet and rear bumper. The rear bumper is on order now and as far as I know I'm the only one in the UK to have it. Same goes with the bonnet too but that isn't on order yet as I'm waiting on prices.

Absolutely bugger all else to report upto this date as I been killing brain cells watching 80s cartoons.

For now, I'll leave you all and dribble in peace.


Monday 19 February 2007

Case of the 'mun-days'

Well today was productive...

for 80s cartoons!

Ahh relived some memories yesterday and spent more of today thinking where I can buy Visionaries, Dungeons and Dragons, Ulysses 31...found that amazon have them quite cheap! So off to buy them in a minute. Love them 80's cartoons.

So subsequently at work, i couldn't wait to get home and do some 80's cartoon research! Yeah!

OK, so Grayboy has pumped his car up with some more bhp...I need to save up and get my engine re-built and get 18 psi of boost and around 35obhp just to stay ahead of the power to me being able to drive!

Just watched his video of him in a test in 4th gear and it's bang on as fast as mine now. Eep!

Laziness rulez in my case and can't be bothered to go shopping at Tescos so poor old Morrigan is sitting out in the cold tonight instead of the warmth of the garage :(

Ahh I borrowed Dead or Alive DVD from boobies! Well I haven't watched it yet, but if the film is anything like the games...bring it on!!!

I've also been thinking of making another AMV following from my efforts 3 or so years ago.

I present to thee...Gunslinger Girl to Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy!!

Also for those who have not seen, this is my car around Brands Hatch Indy Circuit.

Ciao mofos!


Sunday 18 February 2007

Clean boost!

Well today was cool, got round to cleaning the car with Gray-boy's assistance (along with all his car cleaning gear) and so Morrigan is all nice and clean now! Yay!

What was also cool and surprising was the little test between the lightly modified MCS of Grayboy versus my tubbied 5. I knew the S/C would give it more low end grunt but was really surprised when my tubbied car hit boost and left the MCS standing. Personally I always thought it was going to be a catchup game with the MCS.

Anyhow, tis late and I will require to be at work tomorrow.

Ahh no sodding breakfast tomorrow...maybe I'll have time to buy something at the petrol station...

Anyhow, goodnight fellow reader(s) [plural in there just in case there is more than Wifey reading this!!!]


Wednesday 14 February 2007

The Unclean One

Someone pointed out to me today that my car is filthy. Infact he came across as though I have just commited the worst crime. Ever. However plans are in the pipeworks to clean her up this coming weekend.

Anyhow, today I spent the afternoon manager-less...which meant...well...I'm a hard working guy...honest. lol!

Ahh 'Wifey' left a message for me on msn wishing me a happy valentines day
. How sweet. ^_^

Oh also spent today eyeing up Sarah's did quite a few other people! All day was girl "pow-wow" meeting as its Valentine's Day....why isn't there a western equivilent of White Day that happens in Japan? Bah!

My ears are cold from driving home with the roof down, in the dark. Refreshing though. Shame I wasn't driving anywhere far.

ARGH!!! Forgot to buy cereal for breakfast tomorrow! Car is in the garage and can't be bothered to get it out...oh well.

C'est La Vie


Tuesday 13 February 2007

Forgot to add...

When returning from my shopping trip last night had a nice little "drift" action going around the roundabout...unintentionally. it was fun but not ideal with other traffic around.

Also forgot to add in that last night had a 10 minute power cut....which really made me happy (!) ... I was halfway through watching episode two of "Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!" when *poof!* went the power. So there I was in pitch black trying to eat my dinner and looking for a source of light. Luckily my mobile phone was next to me and it just happens to have a light that you can turn on and off (but annoyingly only when you have the camera mode on).

What a site, eating dinner by mobile phone light.

Finally got round to calling up the dents/stone chips repair people for a quote on my car, so they'll be round to assess it friday afternoon. Am guessing it's gonna be expensive....but it'll be worth it...publicity and all ;) Maybe I can persuade him to give me a discount ;) or even sponsorship! LOL!

Anyhow, dinner calls...


Monday 12 February 2007

Does every post have to have a title..??

Well it's Monday... which means it's my weekly shopping night for food.

i've learnt a valuable lesson today, never let Wifey in charge of maintaining the blog judged by my wishlist...which was said in jest but has now appeared for real. Oh well.

Anyhow, not much to tell for today. Am I suppose to post every day or just when I feel like it?

Oh my surname appears in Mai Otome, that is soo cool :D

There isn't much to talk about as I was working today...yay (!) and my work colleague is job hunting while at work!

Still while I was at work, I calculated my average MPG and was surprised to find out my average MPG is 33!

Well that bored the crap out of you lot, now go read something pr0n.


Sunday 11 February 2007

Er..blogs..where do I start..?!

Big thanks goes out to Aggy (my 'wife' lol) for sorting me out with a blog site so I can post random crap.

Now as to what to do or how to use it, I have NO if you are reading this and actually know WHAT you are doing, please laugh mockingly. :)

Anyhow, I'll post some news stuff at some point in time.

Oh and if you just happened to come across this blog and wondering which one of the three dudes I am in the picture at the top, I'm the one humping the car (guy in the middle).

See ya
