Tuesday 23 September 2008


Hehe...alright (said in Quagmire's voice). Managed to bag another lady in The Witcher; this time a woman called "Gossip" and she is part of the poor people character list. Must have logged about 4 hours tonight on this game - most of that was spent running around looking for certain NPCs to progress the story. Me being too tight fisted wouldn't bribe the guards to let me explore a different section of the town so I was banking that these critical NPCs that I had to talk to would walk through the area I am quarantined in. Suffice to say, after two hours of me doing nothing much other than exploring the small part of town I have access to, I gave up and bribed the guards. Well it didn't go that smoothly; the guards asked for 60 orens (gold pieces), I offered 30 and they told me to "go away". subsequently they wouldn't talk to me for a short period of time so I had to go off, do other things come back and up the ante. I kept doing this until I paid them 60 orens. Annoying but I don't want to spend more than I have to...that and the money used was blood money, money from selling the identification badges of a certain group of people I am hunting (or rather slaying with great ease whenever I find them).

Oh I also eventually decided to level up and had gone up 4 levels without realising it so had quite a few talent points to dish out. (^_^) Ahh another wonderful part of the game, is the alchemy involved. You get some ingredients, the all important base (being good quality slightly magical alcohol liquid) mix it together and drink the random item you've made and see what happens!! (-_^) The alternative is to find potion cook book type scrolls that'll tell you what you need and in what quantities.

In between of playing Witcher, I continued with my small short exercise regime. I really surprised myself today; 328 skips in 2 minutes 53, that's over 113 skips a minute. I know now that to keep the progress going I have to up the speed as well as quantity. Debating on what to do with the press ups and sit ups. Still maintaining at 25 of each but I think it might be better to do those first, skip and then do another set of press ups and sit ups and if I have enough energy, finish off with some more skipping. At least it'll extend the duration of the exercise window; still wanting to buy that chin up bar thing and some cheap weights. I spent the money on The Witcher; wise investment. \\(^_^)//

Think I'll load up some anime and crash out for the night. See you people later!

P.S. Finished watching an anime called Special A; will need to write up about it at some point.

P.P.S. Keep an eye out, I'll be making another blog purely for whatever fiction crap I write (when I am inspired to do so). Don't hold your breath though. (^_^;)

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Monday 22 September 2008

Geralt - The Ladies Preferred Choice

I picked up a new game over the weekend, The Witcher: Enhanced Edition. If you have not heard about this game, it is another RPG only a more gritty and relatively (to Oblivion) linear affair. So far the story is good but what is really good about it is the way the whole game seems very cinematic and really pulls you into the story of Geralt, the Witcher. Also the fact that if it's female you can almost guarantee he will try and bone her. In the game you get a character index of people you have met (bar non-interactive NPCs) and almost all the women I have met I have managed to bed. Muwhahahaha! Even managed to bed a half-elf woman who I happened to save by accident! I was rather bored and no fighting occurs during daytime unless you are provocated so went to see some "haunted house" to raid it of treasure only to be met with (what a surprise) a trap. Needless to say I was excited by the prospect of butchering some weak humans and so slayed them all with ease. Then i find out they had a half-elf female as hostage/rape victim of whom I bed. (It's my priviledge, I rescued her!)

Hours have been consumed in this game just wandering the town of Vizima looking for quests and finding monsters to slay.

Brilliant game.

Exercise progress has halted since the day of the clean up till today. So started skipping again and it was hurting after 158 and managed 258 in 2 minutes 40. Not bad at all. Just need to keep at it rather than shy away from it. Oddly enough, I wasn't short of breath more the muscles were giving up before the lungs!

Time for dinner and then more butchering, shagging and adventuring for more ladies to bed!

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Wednesday 17 September 2008

The once upon a time Unclean One

What a fun evening I am having. Cleaning the house for tomorrows inspection. Hurray! I've partly done the house a couple of weeks back and here we are tonight cleaning those same areas again. Why you may ask, is it not a simple task of wipe over, still clean? Why still the need for deep clean? Well the answer dear reader(s) is that the housemate isn't very hot on cleaning up after himself straight away. In the kitchen I try to keep commonly used areas clean, wash the dishes when I can and clean the chopping board after use. Housemate on the other hand just leaves a mess. Also on the night of me cleaning the part of the kitchen (ie the floor which is always a bad spot) the housemate comes trampling in, shoes fresh from running and just ruins my evenings hard work.

I got home from work tonight, hoovered the general areas we always walk over and housemate comes back and he hoovers the same area again. OK, so I didn't do it as well as could be, but I had two bathrooms and the garden to do as well. Of course, in all defiant mode the housemate is hoovering the floor then points out all the areas I should do to make the house cleaner. It's like the work I been putting in means nothing like I been sat on my arse on this time doing nothing about it. The house won't even be spotless; I live out of my room and so does the housemate. The housemate has no fear in wearing shoes all over the house and in that respect I do too because I am not going to walk around in socks or bare feet where outside stuff has been dragged in.

I've rarely seen the housemate do any cleaning outside of failing an inspection and it almost feels like the housemate blames me for it all. So what if I don't stay at work till 10pm monday to friday or go home to another house at the weekend, it's shared responsibilities not just keep your room clean. I'm determined not to keep the house clean on a weekly basis as I will see that as the housemate getting me to clean the housemate's own arse. I'll keep my area clean and part of the communal area.

To top it all off, the housemate bemoans to me about the oven. In all honesty I couldn't be arsed to do it yet I just have to clean it tonight because it's been mentioned. Then I got to wake up early tomorrow morning to clear out all the de-weeded vegetation to the green bin. I was hoping to get the housemate to do it yet zip, zero nadda. The garden was literally a jungle and this is a garden that doesn't have any green stuff in it, so all the green stuff growning was weeds. It took me a damn long time to de-weed the garden as best I could. The housemate's response to de-weeding the garden was to spray weed killer. Which did sod all to the remaining plantation.

If we fail again, I honestly don't give a crap. I bust my balls, got my balls busted and busted my balls again tonight.

Time to find another job and another place to live.

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Tuesday 16 September 2008

Go! Go! Go!

Update on today's skipping progress, 247 in 2 minutes 35; yet another improvement. :-)

Weekend just gone, my mother and sister went to collect my mum's new car. I don't think I have blogged about why so here it goes:
My mother was on her way from my sister's house to collect the children from nursery. Unfortunately on her way out of my sister's road the steering on her Civic locked in the right position when exiting a junction. She wasn't going fast, after all you could see where the accident happened so I'd guess she was doing maximum of 15mph. She was on the wrong side of the road when another vehicle approaching from the other direction hit her head on. The Civic is a write-off. I can only assume the other driver was doing substantially more than the 30mph speed limit on this road to inflict that kind of damage.
So two weekends ago, I went down to my sister's to help find a replacement car for my mum using the money she was given by her insurance company. We searched quite a few cars and it ended up being a Toyota Yaris we purchased. However my mother could not go pick the car up till the weekend just gone.
On the sunday evening after collecting her "new" car and having made her way back to her flat, my mother called me and amazingly enough she was telling me how my sister was complaining about the car we all decided was the right car for mum. ALL the issues she had were relating to using mum as a VERY cheap child minder and taxi service and the car have a small boot, not easy for the kids to get in and out of...I mean, hello???!! My sister was there to help select a car too...if she had those issues, she should have highlighted them on that day!


Another annoying thing happened at work recently. Our IP address had been blacklisted as spam so sending emails to our vendors, customers and technical support groups was hampered greatly. For a short time it was amusing but in the long term was a pain in the butt! Our IT guy is trying to work out if this is a malicious attack or someone being FAR too careless and getting infected with a worm. We all had to run an anti-malware program and surprise surprise, one of the top ranking people at work (who works off site) had a BUTT load of malware on his laptop! None of them are the particular worm that our IT guy is looking for but it goes to show that higher ups are not very savvy when it comes to security!

Random stuff:

Ninja Cat!!!

This is totally wrong and I would guess is in the states...click at your OWN risk!!!!

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Monday 15 September 2008

Woo Hoo! Improvement!

I took friday and the weekend off from the skipping, push up and sit up regime. I felt no pain today so decided to go back to the regime.

Accomplished 238 skips, 25 push ups and 25 sit ups. An improvement and only after a few days work out. Lets hope I can keep this up for the rest of the week and continue to improve as the weeks go by.

I'm really happy with my progress and my recovery rate now is such that I feel like I could do 2 sessions in an evening. ^_^

There should be more to post up but with time running short now, I want to get some gaming in, watch some anime (Special A and Code Geass R2) and of course sleep before I go back to work tomorrow.

See you lat0rz pee-peez!


Wednesday 10 September 2008

The Paaaaiiiiinn!!!

Just completed 212 skips, and 20 press ups and 20 sit ups. My body still hurts from yesterday and had trouble walking today at work.

Needless to say, the above work out has really mashed my body...I wonder how bad I am going to be at work tomorrow. It really does feel painful along my calves and shoulders at the moment.

Hopefully a late night soak in a hot tub of water will cure out some of the pain...

If I can type again, I'll update the blog...if you don't see me again...well you can gather the kind of pain I will be in!

Ja ne!

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Tuesday 9 September 2008


I been reading about different people asking various ways of either bulking up with muscles or getting fit in general and one person mentioned skipping rope. I remember them; used to use them as a kid all the time and was dead easy...cross your arms or double skip. Easy.


I tried it out last night, managed 207 skips and 6 stops (rope tangling with my legs) before I was shattered. It's a really harsh fitness exercise, especially as I was hitting over 80 skips a minute easily. My calf muscles hurt but no fear, for tonight I wanted another bite of the cherry....187 before I gave in to the pain (like a wimp). Feeling deflated that I didn't equal last nights target, I decided to do sit-ups and press-ups. As a kid I did 100 of these each every morning before school. Easy.


I managed 20 press-ups and 20 sit-ups before giving in. These weren't slow up, wait, down, wait, these were quick (to me) repetitions.

I have no idea how I used to do this as a kid but I was bored back then...15 years of inactivity really screws you over.

So target this week is 200 skips, 20 sit ups, 20 press ups. It gets ramped up next week to 210 skips, 25 sit ups, 25 press ups.

Once I get some money together I'll get a chin up bar thing and some el'cheapo weights (read as various bottles cobbled together to form some sort of equipment). Getting fit should be a good goal for a lazy slob like me. Don't need to lose weight, skinny enough as it is, but gaining muscles would be good.

From a very knackered sleepy,


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